Beach 5 Sand Soccer Series


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Grey Line


Tournament Rules | Weather Rules | Game Play Rules
Age Guidelines | Player Equipment

Grey Line

Weather Rules

Regardless of weather conditions, coaches and their teams must appear on the field of play as scheduled, ready to play unless notified by a member of the Tournament Committee. Failure to appear will result in forfeiture of the match. Only the referee or the Tournament Committee can cancel or delay a match. In the event matches are cancelled by the Tournament Committee due to inclement weather, a recorded message will be broadcast on the Tournament Weather Hotline, 919-607-0834. If no message is broadcast, it should be assumed that matches will be played at the scheduled times.

Inclement Weather causing cancellation before the match – Preliminary Rounds
Referee and/or the Tournament Committee may reduce the length of a match, and subsequent matches. If a match is cancelled the Tournament Committee will award a 0-0 tie.

Inclement Weather causing cancellation before the match – Semi-final or Final Rounds
If a championship round cannot begin, a shoot-out will take place to determine the winner. If a shoot-out cannot take place, the match will be decided by the toss of a coin.

Inclement Weather causing cancellation during the Match – Preliminary Rounds
The match will be considered completed and the score will stand if one period has been completed. If less than one period of the match has been completed, the Tournament Committee will award a 0-0 tie.

Inclement Weather causing cancellation during the Match – Championship Rounds
The match will be considered completed and the score will stand if one period has been completed. If less than one period of the match has been completed or if a tie exists at the stoppage of play, a shootout will take place to determine the winner. If a shoot-out cannot take place the winner will be decided by the toss of a coin.

Inclement Weather causing cancellation of the Tournament - Severe
Inclement weather could cause the shortening or cancellation of the tournament. In the event some games have been played, the Tournament Committee will endeavor to determine standings based on the games played.

Beach5SandSoccer Tournament (Weather/Refund)
If bad weather occurs during the event and all matches are cancelled Beach5SandSoccer will refund all teams after non refundable cost are covered by the tournament. If any games are played no refund will be given/provided to teams.


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